Royal Institution Of Chartered Surveyors

The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) is a professional body that represents and regulates property professionals worldwide. It was established in London, United Kingdom, in 1868 and received a royal charter in 1881. RICS is a globally recognized organization that sets standards and qualifications for professionals working in land, property, construction, and related fields.

RICS members, known as chartered surveyors, cover a wide range of disciplines within the built environment, including real estate, quantity surveying, land surveying, property management, valuation, building surveying, and more. They provide expert advice, valuation services, and support in various property-related matters.

One of RICS’s primary roles is to uphold and maintain professional standards and ethics within the surveying industry. They establish and enforce codes of conduct, promote best practices, and ensure that their members provide high-quality services to clients.

RICS also plays a significant role in research and thought leadership, contributing to discussions and developments in the property and construction sectors. They collaborate with governments, organizations, and other stakeholders to address industry challenges and drive positive changes.

In summary, the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is a prestigious and influential professional organization that serves as a leading authority in the land, property, and construction sectors, promoting professionalism, ethical conduct, and expertise among its members.


The history of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) dates back to the mid-19th century and is closely tied to the development and professionalization of the surveying and property industries in the United Kingdom. Here is a brief overview of its history:

  1. Founding and Early Years (1868-1881): RICS was founded on June 15, 1868, in London, under the name “The Institution of Surveyors.” It was established to address concerns about the lack of professional standards and ethics in the surveying profession. The founding members aimed to create an organization that would promote the advancement of surveying knowledge and expertise.
  2. Royal Charter (1881): In 1881, Queen Victoria granted a royal charter to the Institution of Surveyors, officially recognizing it as the “Surveyors’ Institution.” This charter emphasized the institution’s commitment to maintaining professional standards and regulating the surveying profession.
  3. Expansion and Growth (Late 19th to Early 20th Century): Over the following decades, the institution continued to grow and evolve, with a focus on expanding its membership and influence. It gradually extended its reach beyond London to other parts of the United Kingdom and began attracting members from various surveying disciplines.
  4. Name Change to RICS (1946): In 1946, the organization changed its name to the “Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors” to better reflect its role as a professional body representing qualified and chartered surveyors.
  5. Global Reach and International Recognition (Late 20th Century): Throughout the latter half of the 20th century, RICS expanded its international presence and influence. It established branches and offices in various countries, helping to promote its standards and expertise on a global scale.
  6. Diversification of Disciplines and Specializations (Late 20th Century): RICS broadened its focus to encompass a wide range of disciplines within the built environment, including real estate, valuation, land surveying, quantity surveying, building surveying, property management, and more. This diversification reflected the evolving needs of the property and construction industries.
  7. Modernization and Technology (21st Century): In recent decades, RICS has continued to adapt to changes in technology, industry practices, and global trends. It has embraced digital advancements, such as promoting the use of technology in surveying, valuation, and property management.

Throughout its history, RICS has played a crucial role in shaping the surveying and property industries by establishing and upholding professional standards, providing education and training, promoting ethical conduct, and fostering collaboration among its members and other stakeholders. The organization’s royal charter and global recognition underscore its position as a leading authority in the built environment sector.


The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) offers a wide range of career opportunities for individuals interested in the built environment, property, and construction industries. RICS-accredited professionals, known as chartered surveyors, have the opportunity to pursue diverse and rewarding careers across various specializations within these sectors. Here are some of the career paths and roles that individuals can pursue within RICS:

  1. Real Estate and Property Management:
    • Residential Surveyor: Conduct property inspections, valuations, and assessments for residential properties.
    • Commercial Property Surveyor: Provide expertise in valuing, managing, and leasing commercial properties.
    • Property Manager: Oversee and manage properties on behalf of owners, handling leasing, maintenance, and tenant relationships.
  2. Construction and Project Management:
    • Quantity Surveyor: Manage costs and contracts for construction projects, from initial estimates to final budgets.
    • Construction Manager: Coordinate and oversee construction projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.
    • Project Manager: Manage all aspects of a construction or development project, from planning to execution.
  3. Valuation and Appraisal:
    • Valuation Surveyor: Assess the value of properties for various purposes, including sales, purchases, taxation, and investment.
    • Rating Surveyor: Specialize in valuing properties for local taxation purposes.
  4. Building Surveying:
    • Building Surveyor: Inspect and assess the condition of buildings, identifying defects and recommending repairs or renovations.
    • Conservation Surveyor: Specialize in the preservation and restoration of historic and culturally significant buildings.
  5. Land and Rural Surveying:
    • Land Surveyor: Measure and map land for various purposes, including property boundaries, development planning, and legal disputes.
    • Rural Surveyor: Provide expertise in managing rural properties, estates, and agricultural land.
  6. Facilities Management:
    • Facilities Manager: Oversee the operational and maintenance aspects of buildings and facilities to ensure efficient and safe operations.
  7. Infrastructure and Engineering:
    • Infrastructure Surveyor: Provide expertise in the planning, design, and management of infrastructure projects such as roads, bridges, and utilities.
  8. Environmental and Sustainability:
    • Environmental Surveyor: Assess and manage the environmental impact of construction and development projects.
    • Sustainability Consultant: Advise on sustainable practices and green building initiatives.

These are just a few examples of the many career paths available within RICS-accredited professions. Aspiring professionals can choose to specialize in one of these areas or explore interdisciplinary roles that require a combination of skills and expertise. RICS provides education, training, professional development, and networking opportunities to support individuals throughout their careers, helping them achieve chartered status and excel in their chosen fields.